All prescription refill requests must come directly from your pharmacist to our office on your behalf. Please contact your pharmacist with any refill requests. Your pharmacy will then fax us at 972-596-8928. Refill requests from pharmacists are handled by 4pm daily. Our refill guidelines are listed below:
  • Refills are not handled by phone at anytime.
  • Refills will not be approved for medications previously written by another doctor.
  • Prescriptions for narcotics, tranquilizers, sedatives, and pain medications are NEVER handled by phone.
  • If you have not seen Dr. Chappell within the past 12 months, your refills might be declined until you contact the office during our regular office hours to update your medical records.
  • Refill requests made on a weekend, after hours or holidays will be handled the very next day our office opens.
  • Your pharmacist will notify you if Dr. Chappell makes any changes in your refill request.
  • If you were initially given samples and now need a full prescription, this is not a refill. For this purpose please call the office first.
  • New medications or new prescriptions to treat symptoms or problems not previously reported to Dr. Chappell are not refills. For this purpose, please call the office first.